Growth Through Smart Strategic Alliances Creating additional value for companies has always been my passion. Throughout my career, I’ve consistently looked for ways to turn 1+1 into 3—identifying opportunities where partnerships don’t just add value but multiply it...
Horizontale vs vertikale künstliche Intelligenz
Horizontale versus Vertikale künstliche Intelligenz und deren Einfluss auf Unternehmen der Zukunft Die KI-Revolution ist keine ferne Vision mehr, sondern prägt bereits heute unser Leben und Arbeiten. Zwei zentrale Konzepte stehen dabei im Fokus: die vertikale und die...
Revolutionary artificial intelligence and human Intelligence awakening a synergy in 2024
Written May 17, 2024 by Michael Brinkmann Unlocking Synergy - Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in a Collaborative Future This short article explores the potential for synergistic collaboration between human intelligence (HI) and artificial intelligence...
Personal update ! As many of you know, I stepped down from my position as Managing Director in 2023.
My personal update As many of you know, I stepped down from my position as Managing Director in 2023. After years of dedication to major projects and hard work, I decided it was time to take a much-needed break. This break has been incredibly rejuvenating, allowing me...
How to Ride the B2B Payments Innovation Wave
How to Ride the B2B Payments Innovation Wave Great read: Special Thanks to PYMNTS | JULY 2, 2024 B2B payments power trillions of dollars in annual payments flows. Much of those flows are handled via checks and other traditional processes that are riddled with pain...
Der Einfluss von digitalem Marketing und Social Media auf das klassische Marketing
Der Einfluss von digitalem Marketing und Social Media auf das klassische Marketing ist erheblich und zeigt sich in verschiedenen Bereichen. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Auswirkungen: 1. Erweiterte Reichweite und Zielgruppenansprache ...