Source : Plötzlich geht alles ganz schnell. 1,9 Mrd. Euro fehlen in der Bilanz. Die Summe aller ausgewiesenen Erträge seit 2012. Anleihennotierungen kollabieren, große Investmentsfonds stoßen ihre Beteiligungen hektisch ab....
2020 Peter Zimmermann – ART Instalation
Peter Zimmermann – Exhibition German-born abstract artist Peter Zimmermann’s current exhibition is a fantastical mix of a traditional art exhibition and an experiential show. Known for his colourful abstract ‘blob art’, the 60-year-old Zimmermann has created a...
2020 Aggressive hedge fund TCI attacks Wirecard
For the British financial juggler Chris Hohn, the bad news comes as it should, because he is benefiting from falling Wirecard rates. CEO Braun would not be his first prominent victim in Germany. The payment processor Wirecard does not come to rest. After the...
2020 The COVID moment is also “…an inflection point
The COVID moment is also “…an inflection point in the connected economy, accelerating a massive migration in consumer demand from the physical world to the digital one Remote Payments: The Next Normal Thanks to PYMNTS Posted on April 22, 2020 It’s an interesting time...
2020 Wirecard und Visa kooperieren im Rahmen des Visa Fintech-Fast-Track-Programms im Nahen Osten
Die Zusammenarbeit umfasst die schnelle Entwicklung und Markteinführung digitaler Lösungen im Nahen Osten Wirecard, der weltweit führende Innovationstreiber für digitale Finanztechnologie, und Visa bauen ihre erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit weiter aus. Wirecard wird das...
2020 Home Office during the Corona pandemic
Working in a home office during the difficult times of the Corona pandemic is a good alternative for companies to protect employees and the enterprise. In large corporations,like Wirecard IT managers normally utilize all available tools to ensure that employees can...